Driving to the hotel: You can drive from San Jose to Esencia Hotel and Villas, this will take you around 5-6 hours trip and it includes a stop in Puntarenas where you must take a ferry in order to cross the beautiful Gulf of Nicoya.
Check the ferry's schedule and rates!
From San José downtown take the direction to the Santamaria international airport, once get next to it, follow the same road (Bernardo Soto HWY-Panamericana) to Puntarenas.
Reach the dock area right at the end of the city of Puntarenas and catch the ferry boat to Paquera.
From Paquera drive on the main road following the signs to Cobano-Santa Teresa.
From the Liberia international airport go south driving to Nicoya, once there follow the road to Carmona, Lepanto, Jicaral, Naranjo, Paquera, Cobano and finally to SantaTeresa.
We could offer you private transfer to/from San Jose and other areas.
Bus: Daily direct bus service between San Jose and Montezuma/Mal Pais area. Departures in San Jose from "La Coca Cola" bus station. This bus trip will
take 5 hours.
From San Jose there is a bus leaving twice a day from the “Coca Cola” bus station to Mal Pais- Santa Teresa.It costs around $10 per person, NOT including the ticket for the ferry boat.
Depending of the schedule, this bus can stops at the main intersection (Frank’s Place) or just 200 meters from Esencia hotel, so it’s better to be informed.
Actually it’s not possible to book the seat in advance, but it could change in the future.
This is the telephone number of the bus company: 2642 0219
Please don't hesitate to contact us at reservations@esenciahotel.com for more information.